If you are a man of culture and you want to meet women who share this passion with you like book club, then you should know where to find them.
Although the online dating websites and dating apps put us in contact with lots of girls, the element on which all these hookups are based is physical attractiveness.
Many times, the intellectual beauty is ignored or shadowed by flashy behaviors and lusts with no essence.
But that doesn’t mean that getting a girlfriend with a beautiful mind is impossible these days.
You just must know where to find such a woman.
There are lots of places, like the cinema, movie theater and the museum.
But nowhere else will you get to know a woman more than in the intimacy of a book club.
How To Flirt At the Book Club?
If you love books, then you surely want to find a bookish girl who shares this love with you.
And you can find her with ease if you know where to look for it.
The girls who are into books are not so fond on online dating sites.
They don’t waste time with strangers on the internet having meaningless conversations.
These girls love reading, whether it is a mystery book, a Pulitzer winning book, or a simple fiction book.
You will find them in the places where there are lots of books like these.
You can try your luck and strike up a conversation with a girl at the central library.
But most of the time, a girl who loves books is also a shy girl.
Not all of them are ready to start flirting with strangers.
So, your best bet is to meet someone at the bookclub such as a mystery book club or a fiction book club or a reading club.
Lucky for you, we put together this next article which will teach you how to flirt at the book clubs and reading groups.
First things first.
If you want to surround yourself with book lovers and find someone to seduce amongst them, you need to know where they gather.
An online search can yield some results and put you in contact with local book discussion group members using which you can identify meetups.
If you don’t find anyone online, your best bet is to check with the neighborhood library or with the main library in the city.
Usually, friends of the library are forming book groups and monthly book clubs and they welcome new members all the time.
Check their meetup schedule and ask for a contact.
A club member can put you in theme with the reading list and you can read books to start preparing for the first meeting.
When you want to get a girl at the book club, it’s very important not to start flirting right away.
There’s a certain social etiquette in such cultural environments.
It’s not about the dress code, although dressing up is never a bad idea.
You can go for the business casual, with a buttoned-up shirt and some nice dress shoes.
You may also indulge in refreshments such as a glass of wine.
But the main etiquette is to respect the reason for which you all gathered there, which is to read great books.
There is one book and all the focus of discussion should be around that book.
If you ever want to have a chance to attract a girl at the book club, the first thing you should be doing is to read the book on the list.
Don’t just read book reviews and hope for the best.
You need to be able to give book recommendations, talk about classic literature, and also be involved in signing up for other book club reads.
Someone who is reading books on a daily basis can always spot a fraud when they see one.
Flirting at the book club is done in a more subtle manner.
Here’s how to flirt without flirting at the book club.
So, we’re assuming that you already read the book and you’re at the meetup.
The way you want to act is something between a pick-up artist and a quiet guy.
When it’s your time to talk, you should do it with a positive attitude.
Your speech should be about the book, but if you want to impress, you should raise questions, and give others the chance to express their opinion.
And what you need to do is listen to their opinions and take the conversation further based on that.
Also, you should be complimenting other book lovers on their observations and knowledge on the subject, especially the romantics.
You might not see this as flirting, but these communication skills will put you in a good light in front of all the women who are in the room.
And since all attention is on you, that’s why you shouldn’t be flirting with just one lady.
The jealousy of the other women might blow your chances with all of them.
Instead, what you will be doing is taking some advice from the great book Fifty Shades of Grey, and make them wonder who is the new cute guy.
In their heads, they will wait for the first face to face interaction with you and they will wonder if you’re still single.
During the book discussions, you will have to read the room and figure out who is showing signs of attraction towards you.
Men are usually blind to these signals.
Here’s some of the basic signs that will show you if a girl has interest in you.
First of all, listen to the intonation of her voice while she talks about Tolkien or Bergen or Hawking.
If you hear her talk a bit differently to you than she does with other book group members, you can take it as a sign.
Also, if she will make eye contact with you when you’re not engaged in a discussion, that’s also a sign.
But be careful.
Many men try to exploit the eye contact and they begin staring.
That’s a bit of a turn off.
You should be throwing glances every once in a while.
And then there’s body posture.
Women who are interested in you will start aligning their body posture in such way that they will be facing you.
Since we’re talking about body posture, make sure you have a good one.
No girl will be impressed if you’re slouching or if you’re sitting too casually on a chair or if you’re man-spreading.
If you want to assert confidence through body posture, is better to widen your arms rather than your legs.
If you act right during the book discussions, you will have to choose the woman you like the most, but also make sure that she has shown you signs of interest.
It’s during the casual mingle after the book club meeting has ended when you want to show a girl that you are romantically interested in her.
The tension that has been building during the book discussions will work in your advantage when you strike up a conversation with her between four eyes.
This is when you want to actually flirt, but keep things simple, such as small talk about the meeting and about the next book on the list.
I wouldn’t go as far as asking a girl for a first date after the first book club meeting.
I would wait for another meeting to see if she will express the same interest in me.
But you should do how you feel.
If she is strongly signaling that she is into you, an invitation to a drink after the meeting might be the best idea.
I would ask her for tea.
Usually, the girls who love reading are big-time tea drinkers.