It wouldn’t be inappropriate to call the hub of all thins porn because the probably have the largest collection of videos in porndom!
And they are always uploading and updating content on their site, every single day!
This site offers 100% free porn for the world to enjoy.
With a very huge collection of streaming videos, a fabulous collection of downloadable XXX DVDs and photo albums Pornhub is perhaps the best sex porn tube on the planet.
They also are home to the free sex community that is number one on the internet.
There probably is no other name in the industry that is as prominent and popular as this one.
Pornhub is set to be the largest porn tube on the World Wide Web.
It is stacked not only with loads of the best amateur content ever but also top content from the world’s premier porn studios.
The content is so huge and varied on this site that anytime you visit it you will find something new to jerk off with.
So the site is not just another tube, take note!
Thousands of users have bookmarked Pornhub as their default go-to site.
Perhaps there’s no other website where you can find so much good quality porn in next to no time.
Moreover, you are not charged a fucking cent for it.
It is difficult for anyone to stop at just one scene, but please be warned you need to take care of yourself! LOL.
But you will go on and on!
The stuff is so damn good.
Pornhub is perhaps the first porn site that saw its content go viral on social media.
All because of a guy going by the name of Ryan Creamer.
Creamer has been making his POV videos with crazy titles like "POV FOREHEAD KISS COMPILATION," and “I Deliver You a Pizza and Don’t Put My Weiner In It,” all of which has gone viral on Twitter and Instagram.
He became so famous in a very short span of time that he won the Best Male Pornstar award in October of 2019.
Pornhub has a classic design and layout.
The menu and site navigation is right at the top with a search window as well.
You have all the trending videos just below the menu and this makes for interesting viewing.
You can dive straight into one of those videos if it fancies your attention and get into the action, pronto!
Further below, is the ‘most viewed videos’ section that shows the thumbnails.
The thumbnails, in turn, give you more info- the title, source, number of views it has had and the percentage of viewers who liked it.
Yet further is the recommendations for you and below that the recently featured videos.
It is a free tube and yet you have over five million videos that you can watch, in every possible category you can think of!
Additionally, there are more than two million playlists for you.
The site offers you photos too and you will be surprised to know that there are 12 million photos and counting.
Twelve million photos??
When the heck will you finish viewing them?
The site features over twelve thousand porn stars as well.
Each one is better than the other!
The videos are all of 720p quality or better.
The free Pornhub tube even offers you 8 other sites on the network.
These include the likes of You Porn, Red Tube and Thumbzilla.
You also have access to multiple language videos that include Dutch, Spanish, Italian and Czech
With over a hundred categories, you can go to your favorite one right away.
But how do you ignore all the remaining categories!
They are great too.
Some of the categories that are not found on many other sites are Gay Only, Popular with Women, Verified Amateurs, Verified Models, Virtual Reality, Babysitter, Behind the Scenes, Bisexual Male, Cosplay, Funny, Interactive, Muscular Men, Music, Smoking, and Verified Couples.
Of course, there are many more common ones for you to explore.
The diverse types of content on Pornhub makes it almost impossible to watch and review even half of them.
The quality is generally good and that speaks volumes for the site.
So, whatever it is you are interested in would surely keep your interest right up there.
That’s because you have a hell of a lot of videos made by premium studios right here on Pornhub.
Full-length videos from premiere studios such as Brazzers, Mofos, Reality Kings, Team Skeet, GF Leaks, and Naughty America, are featured here-all under the pornhub roof!
You could ask with such great pro content who would want to watch amateur porn?
Well, well, if you really do, you stand to miss out on real action as it happens in daily life.
At least most of them are original, homemade stuff.
They are sexy, they are suave, and they do it like it is done by the general class of amateur people!
These amateurs make Pornhub what it is today.
In fact, it is looked upon as an adult social media site!
The icing on the cake is the women who upload their sexy pictures and fucking videos for your viewing pleasure.
They go as far as to engage with you in chats and conversations on the site.
That is precisely what makes Pornhub the most loved porn tube in the world today.
Although Pornhub tube carries ads they are clean and also do not jump into your face at every possible opportunity.
They are more controlled and unlike most other sites do not annoy you much.
Ads are inevitable parts of free sites- the revenue is earned only through ads.
If these ads annoy you more than you think they should, you can sign up for the premium Pornhub which is perhaps the least expensive of the paid porn sites.
You can also sign up for a free membership that gives you a few additional features compared to having no account.
These additional features allow you to add and save favorites on the site, post comments- which are a rage nowadays, create your own playlists, interact with members via messages and subscribe to their channels and pornstars!
However, if you choose to not sign up for a free account and do not mind the ads as long as you are allowed to watch videos for free, you can skip the process altogether.
And still enjoy the same videos a paid subscriber would, albeit a shorter version.
You should just go out there and enjoy!