Its easy to make lots of friends when we are younger.
It can become more difficult as we age as our social circles become less diverse.
We need to look at how to have social meetings to expand our circles.
This search becomes even more important if we have moved to a new city or have a new job.
Circles that are familiar are no longer part of our lives, so its time to discover new people in different places.
You need to engage in social meetings to search out new friendships and there are some tips and tricks to accomplish the goal.
The Best Tips and Tricks to Make Friendships
The ability to build new friendships may be difficult for anyone who is an introvert.
It is even tough for those who are extroverts and may struggle when they are thrown into new situations on their own.
Meeting other people might be somewhat intimidating but social isolation is not enjoyable and feeling lonely is a sad way to spend your time.
Whether you want to make a few new friends or make lots of friends, knowing how to do so in an easy, natural way is important.
You want to build relationships that have the potential to be part of your life on an ongoing basis.
It is nice to have a peer group or that one close friend with whom you can share your ups and downs and life moments.
If you want to find friends, you first need to know what type of relationship you are interested in. There are 3 types:
- Acquaintances – These types of friends are the ones you have because you are living or working in a particular context.Maybe you work together or attend the same school.They are the ones you routinely say hello and goodbye to every day as you come and go from whatever daily context you are in.This type of social interaction usually does not last when you no longer are at that place of work or school.
- Everyday friends – These types of friends are ones you will hang out with outside of work or school.They tend to be your peer group and are great for catching up with and having social time.The conversations you have with them can be wide and varied and these relationships tend to be fun and social.
- Best Friends – These are the people or persons with whom you share the most intimate thoughts and experiences.You may not see them on a consistent basis but your friendship with them transcends daily meetings.They are there for you when you need them, and you are there for them as well.
Many of us would like to have a regular group of friends with that one, meaningful best friend.
We all have acquaintances that make up a lot of our daily social interactions simply because we spend so much of our time at work, school or just out and about but if you want to build a closer circle of friends then you need to put in some extra effort and learn the tips and tricks to being socially successful.
If you are introverted, think you are too busy or simply find it difficult to make friends and build relationships, then there are some steps to make it easier.
Whether you like meeting new people or find it difficult here are some tips and tricks that will help your social behaviors and get you on the path to new friendships.
- Understand that any anxiety around meeting new friends is an issue you should be able to overcome with some thoughtfulness and work.You may want to work on creating a positive image in your mind of how meeting new people is going to go.We always worry about if we will make a good first impression if new people will like us, how do we strike up a conversation or what to say if the conversation falters.We build up to scary scenarios in our heads.The more we go over and over it, the more difficult it becomes to actually meet other people.Once you realize these fears are mental in nature and that the other people may be just as worried as you the fear will become reduces.You need to understand that if someone is going to judge you on only one impression probably are not the friends you want anyhow.
- Begin talking with people you’ve met before.Practice makes perfect.If you have been away from social situations, meeting people can be rather intimidating.A small circle of people might help ease this angst.Start with people you at least are familiar with such as:
- Acquaintances: Those people who you’ve met at work or school, maybe some individuals you have done some team building with are a great start as you begin your social networking.With the ease of smartphones and social media, you may be able to short a text to someone who you thought was an acquaintance and enjoyed spending time with.Maybe there are some others you haven’t seen in a while and you can reconnect.
- Friend Groups – Are there any groups of friends that are already doing things?Maybe join in on one of their outings.It is not about having to be in the center of the circle but enjoying the ability to socialize without a lot of pressure.
- Meet friends of your friends – if people you know are going out and ask you to come, be sociable and jump right in!You never know who you will meet along the way.Often groups of friends hang out together because they have similar interests so chances are you will feel comfortable too.
- Don’t Reject an Invite – If a group asks you to go out, don’t say no.While sometimes it is hard to put yourself out there with a group of people you barely know, its good to do if you want to have a good social life.If you want new friendships, then its time to move out of your comfort zone and enjoy the company.There is no way to make friends if you do not leave your home.
- Grow your circle – Once you have figured out the social circles you have found some comfort with, its time to begin trying to make friends beyond them.There are many ways to do this:
- Join groups that enhance your social networking.There are lots of groups that you can be part off that may feed off your life interests.Maybe a group for business people or those who are interested in sports, vegetarians, motorcycles or simply those who love the outdoors.Wherever your interests lie, you should try and find a group that mirrors them.It’s an easy way to find people with similar tastes to you and strike up a friendship.
- Go to Workshops or Take a Course – Another way to meet new people is to take a workshop or personal interest course.It is another way to meet people who have similar interests as your own.It’s a great way to meet people and garner some new friendships.
- Become a Volunteer – This is an awesome way to not only enjoy meeting new people but help others as well.You get to meet people who are compassionate and enjoy working for a similar cause.Its offers you an easy way to introduce yourself through helping others
- Go and Enjoy Yourself!Enjoy outings that include celebrations such as birthdays, holiday celebrations, home warmings and work functions and events.Parties are always an opportunity to make a new social connection or two.
- Chat online – This is a good way to meet people, but you need to use caution simply because the internet can hide people who aren’t always on the up and up.However, chatting about similar interests is a great way to work on your social skills without a lot of anxiety.Online friendships are can actually be fun and offer social support from afar.
- Take the Initiative – Once you’ve started interacting with new people, then it may be up to you to make the first move.When you meet someone, you may have to be the one to start talking and say hello.That’s the only way you will be able to get to know one another a little better.Talking is a give and take.Tell them something about you and then they can share as well.General chit chat is a great way to start a conversation.Break the ice and you are on your way.
- Be Open to New People – Many of us get set in our ways and thoughts but if you are looking to meet new people, stay open to those who may be different.Don’t be judgemental.Don’t close your mind to people who aren’t exactly what you wanted or expected.Give people a chance and broaden your social experience.Different backgrounds, interests and cultures bring a lot to a friendship.Variety is the spice of life!
- Give People a Chance – Everyone is an individual and you need to take some time to know them.Maybe they are a little different from what you expected but they may feel anxious or awkward too.Give them the benefit of the doubt.
- Be Genuine – The whole point of creating a true friendship is to be real with someone not put on pretenses.It is not about what you look like, what you should say or how you should act.It is about the real you and the relationship you are looking to build.That’s not to say these things aren’t part of an initial meeting but they shouldn’t be your main focus.They are not what makes a good friendship.You want to have a connection.There is nothing more genuine then offering respect and caring to people you meet.You want to do things with them because you want to not because you feel you should.
You want a sense of truly genuine caring between you and your friends.
These are the best type of relationships to cultivate.
- You do You – Don’t alter who you are to entice a new friend.Be who you are so you don’t have to put on a show that is not true.If you are an introvert then be your quiet self, if you are an extrovert then be who you are.If you act any way other than yourself, it becomes a faced and difficult to keep this image up.It is hollow.You want to be a genuine friend.People need to be accepting of each other based on who they really are not who they want them to be.
- Be Supportive – The whole point of a good friendship is to share and support each other.Laugh together, listen to each other and maybe offer a shoulder when needed.And do these things without expecting your friend to do the same.Doing things without conditions attached is a good way to be.Do it because you want to but not because you have to.
- Keep in Touch -While lives are busy and sometimes chaotic, starting a new friendship and sustaining it takes some work.Making an extra effort to be in touch is what makes the difference between acquaintances and real friends.This doesn’t mean you have to be with each other every day.It just means you touch base to check in and see how each other is doing.Friendship isn’t determined by how often you see each other but the quality of your connection.Meet when you can and stay in touch just to check-in.Technology makes this so much easier than it used to be.A quick message or text and all is good.
These suggestions are simple tips and tricks to make friendships.
None of it is complicated.
If you like meeting new people or simply want to expand your circle of friends these tips will get you on your way.
Register for an Outing at Place
If you are looking for a way to begin to meet and make some new friends, try registering for an outing on a site.
Maybe it is an outing to a museum or on a hike or maybe its simply to meet a group for coffee or to join a weekly book club.
There are lots of options to be found on local social places that can meet almost any interest you have.
Simply register for a place that seems interesting, with a time that works with your schedule and then you are set to engage with a new group of people.
You may meet some great new friends or at least some interesting folks who may open the door to a new group that offers interesting moments.
I’m Going to a Scheduled Group Outing
If you have registered for a scheduled group outing, then you are on your way to the possibility of new friends or maybe a whole group who share your interests.
I am going to a scheduled group outing and have chosen one that highlights something I enjoy with the outdoors and that I can take part in on the weekend.
The schedule offered was important since I work during the week so only have evenings and weekends free.
Weekends are perfect as there is time to get ready without rushing in from work and then right back out again.
Lots of time with no pressure to be anywhere else.
A scheduled group outing is the perfect thing to do in the hopes of making new friends.
I Exchanged Messages with People on Topics that Interest Me
Starting relationships with people who enjoy the same thing I do is important to enjoying a friendship.
I begin these friendships simply through the exchange of messages with people on topics that interest me.
Once I know they like what I do, then I can comment on a picture or activity that I find interesting and this starts a dialogue with others.
We can then direct message outside of the group with further conversation.
These messages often open up the opportunity for more discussion around topics of interest because once messages are exchanged, people become interested in sharing other items about a topic that is mutually interesting.